The 10 Best Free Apps for Android

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Discover the best current applications for Android operating system. Techradar has come up with the top 10 simplest ways for the user to customize a smartphone.

With the rapid growth of the operating system before the war against Apple, many applications have been launched to facilitate the consumer's life. The British website Techradar made up list of the best releases of the app for Android and has come up with the top 10 simplest ways for the user to customize a smartphone. Follow the list below.

10 - Google Goggles

Google Googgles has the great function of bar code scanning and easy search. Moreover, it can easily take photographs. It has QR code reader and opens our top 10 applications.
Google Goggles

9 - Wordpress

Wordpress - great manager and creator of websites - comes to Android. Formerly known as wpToGo today, Wordpress can update its content and integrate with other apps, show and edit images. Great apps for users of blogs and fanzines.

8 - Foursquare

The eighth place goes to the Foursquare application. It integrates with and interacts with Google applications, i.e. with easy access Google services, Google Maps, social networks, publishers etc. In addition you can create a configurable shortcut "Favorites" in your profile.

7 - Lavar

Lavar application occupies the seventh position. With the help of it users can easily join AR products such as travel guides, price lists of applications and others. The Lavar is a sort of an online app store which helps customers to purchase products with ease.

6 - Google Sky Map

Google Sky Map is an ideal app for fans of astronomy, UFOs and those curious of our universe. Its function is to monitor the universe, study planets, stars and to travel through the universe.
Google Sky Map

5 - App Brain

The Brain is a system with the help of which user can control his applications directly from a browser, install or uninstall them any time. To register and download the app out of charge the user is required to have a Google account (Gmail).
App Brain

4 - Job Centre Plus

Excellent application for those seeking jobs and opportunities in the labor market. It offers a variety of vacancies and job postings in the UK. If you plan to work on the land of the Queen use this app to find a job.
Job Centre Plus


The ASTRO File Manager gives the user a possibility to back up his files, its a form of protection against any kind of security breach. Once used the ASTRO records all its content, so the user can edit his preferences.

2 - Facebook

Today Facebook is one of the largest social networks that has millions of online users. This application is for users who simply cannot live offline from the Face. Application is complete and steady so it gets the second rank.

1 - Seesmic

We top the list with the Seesmic application. No wonder that the app is first. Seesmic lets the user always be tuned with their social networks and news. With the integration with Twitter, Facebook, Buzz and others, Seesmic is the best app for the Android OS now according to Techradar.

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2 comments of our visitors:

09 February 2012 wrote:
Well, I understand that people like to be always connected, however with the application Seesmic, you are just non-stop online. Personally I wouldn’t like this application, because for me it means no concentration at all. However, I can’t imagine myself without Foursquare application, as I am travelling often, and Google maps always save my time.
15 February 2012 wrote:
Android is competing rigorously at the market. New and useful applications are created to satisfy even the most demanding client. Among the best free Apps you can’t but mention Dragon Go! As to my personal opinion it should be rated as number 1!
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