
Full country name:

Federal Republic of Germany

International phone dialing code: 49
People population: 81,471,834 (July 2011 est.)
Total area: 357,022 sq km, sea area: 8,350 sq km
Total area: Land boundaries: 3,790 km, coastline: 2,389 km
Most known cities: Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Dortmund, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Leipzig, Munich, Nurnberg, Stuttgart
Geographic coordinates: 51 00 N, 9 00 E
Germany is situated in Central Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, between the Netherlands and Poland, south of Denmark

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2 comments of our visitors:

29 January 2012 wrote:
Due to the high competition at the Germany market, you will be able to buy cheaper international phone calling cards and to call from Germany without any problem. It is always better to buy your international phone calling card before your travel, so you don’t have to look for one in the case it is needed right away after your arrival.
05 February 2012 wrote:
I really like to visit Germany. There are so many nice small cities you can visit. You shouldn’t necessarily go to Munich or Berlin. Small cities are very beautiful there. For example, go to Aachen. There are many historical places that you can visit there as well as castle which remind you about the past.