
Full country name:

Republic of Austria

International phone dialing code: 43
People population: 8,217,280 (July 2011 est.)
Total area: 83,871 sq km, sea area: 1,426 sq km
Total area: Land boundaries: 2,562 km, coastline: 0 km (landlocked)
Most known cities: Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg, Vienna
Geographic coordinates: 47 20 N, 13 20 E
Austria is situated in Central Europe, north of Italy and Slovenia

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2 comments of our visitors:

26 February 2012 wrote:
Architecture and culture of Austria is astonishing. You won’t have to look for special places, because they are all around. If you really want to explore Austria, for sure go to Vienna, and notice, that you need to stay there at least couple of days to explore this amazing city.
11 October 2012 wrote:
For Theresa, this is architecture, but for me it is more about good coffee and “Apfel Strudel” – apple pie, which is in Austria tastes absolutely different in comparison for example to the apple pie in US. It is also served with vanilla souse and ice-cream. Just delicious!!!