Account Savings and Options
1 Purchase report
2 My Permanent PIN
3 Savings Account
4 My Profile
1. Purchase report
In the "My Account" option, the verified customers could check their complete purchases report including their Transaction amount and date, Invoice Number and the Transaction status.
You can view the Dialing Instructions and the PIN information, by selecting on the "Accepted" Invoice Number.
2. My Permanent PIN
Your PIN information and also the list of the refillable cards purchased along with refill options are listed here.
By choosing the option "Balance / Reports / Add PIN Free Numbers", the mentioned options could be used such as refilling your card as well as view the previous reports of the refill, check your current card refill balance, can change the password in case you have a "Jupiter Calling Card", the registered phone numbers could be added or removed, by choosing the "Instructions", check the card's Dialing Instructions and Access Numbers.
3. Savings Account
You get an additional of 4 to 7 percent of your invoice amount if all your purchases exceed $15.
A list of transactions that contributes credit to the Savings Account could be viewed here.
If there is a balance of $ 10 or more on the "Savings Account", you can avail a complimentary card by selecting the "Alternative Payment Methods" option or from the option "Savings Account".
4. My Profile
The email address, password or any information related to registration could be altered here.