
Monaco neighbors

Full country name:

Principality of Monaco

International phone dialing code: 33-9
People population: 30,539 (July 2011 est.)
Total area: 2 sq km, sea area: 0 sq km
Total area: Land boundaries: 4.4 km, coastline: 4.1 km
Geographic coordinates: 43 44 N, 7 24 E
Monaco is situated in Western Europe, bordering the Mediterranean Sea on the southern coast of France, near the border with Italy

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1 comments of our visitors:

16 February 2012 wrote:
No better place for gambling in Europe. Monaco is a second smallest country by size in the world, but it is also a beautiful city and it is very touristic place. What’s more if one day you decide to live there you have to know this: Monaco levies no income tax on individuals!