
Cyprus neighbors

Full country name:

Republic of Cyprus

International phone dialing code: 357
People population: 1,120,489 (July 2011 est.)
Total area: 9,251 sq km (of which 3,355 sq km are in north Cyprus), sea area: 10 sq km
Total area: Land boundaries: 150.4 km (approximately), coastline: 648 km
Most known cities: Larnaca, Limassol, Nicosia, Paphos
Geographic coordinates: 35 00 N, 33 00 E
Cyprus is situated in Middle East, island in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey

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1 comments of our visitors:

02 March 2012 wrote:
Comparatively it is cheap to stay there if not to consider the price of the flights. What’s interesting, Cyprus is considered to be a tax heaven for the companies, so if you have some assets register a company there and you will be free of taxes.