Cape Verde

Cape Verde neighbors

Full country name:

Republic of Cape Verde

International phone dialing code: 238
People population: 516,100 (July 2011 est.)
Total area: 4,033 sq km, sea area: 0 sq km
Total area: Land boundaries: , coastline: 965 km
Geographic coordinates: 16 00 N, 24 00 W
Cape Verde is situated in Western Africa, group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Senegal

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1 comments of our visitors:

06 February 2012 wrote:
It is interesting to note, that Cape Verde is a strategic location of mid-Atlantic. When I looked at the pictures of this country, I was really impressed by the stunning beaches. I also read that the Cape Verde islands have a relatively low crime. Nice place to visit for people who still like some extreme!