Shortly after prevailing over Apple in a legal battle over the the overturned ban on its Galaxy Tab earlier this month in Australia, Samsung has vaulted to the top of the mobile market, overtaking Apple to take the top position in the country’s mobile market, according to a press release from IDC today. The Korean electronics giant is taking some impressive steps, no, more like leaps with this move into the next calendar year. Kudos to them, now only if the Galaxy Nexus launch was handled better, instead of having tempted us with waves of rumors after rumors, just saying. According to IDC, Android now holds 49% of the entire smartphone market share in Australia, with Apple’s iOS following close trailing behind at 36% market share. IDC market analyst Yee-Kuan Lau offers the following explanation that “While Apple’s iPhone shipments slowed down in preparation for its new iPhone 4S launch in New Zealand, Samsung led the smartphone market for the first time with some of its flagship models such as Galaxy S II and Galaxy 5 performing very well”. She also stated that there was a gradual shift in demand by consumers to low-cost Android smartphones from feature phones across Australia and New Zealand, as more low-cost smartphones are becoming steadily more available in the market. Lastly, IDC expects nearly 9.5 million smartphones to be shipped to Australian and New Zealand by the end of the year. Well, here’s to Samsung, and in general, Android, for winning the battle, at least down under. |